

When you hear the word war, it struck shadows in our minds, the two forces collide, shooting each other, hurt each other, killing each other and destroy to get what they want, or what other people want them or could govern just wanted to enliven the monotony of the world let me no in peace?
The first event of war which I heard first was the Indonesian people fighting against invaders in antiquity, the time of my great-great-grandfather, my grandmother said, at the time, the Indonesian people lived in fear. Moreover, said my grandmother, during the Japanese colonial era, people often heard gunfire or sounds a warning to local residents, indicating that people had to hide in certain places in their homes. When they already felt safe, they came out of hiding and found their belongings missing and nothing left over. These conditions resulted in them losing not only property but the goods of daily basic needs such as clothing and groceries. Indonesian people on the Japanese occupation were very poor. They, reportedly dressed unproperly from burlap sacks or bags of flour which were used as containers. There's even a dress of leaves.
In Indonesian history books or from narrative history teacher at the school, the struggle of Indonesia Indonesia gained independence from the colonizers for three and a half centuries was a Heroic historic event that should always be remembered by the younger generation so that they can appreciate the toil and struggle in the lives of our ancestors in enforcing the State of Indonesia. The series of events a long war of independence took place in various regions with charismatic leaders from each region then known as heroes. The patriotism enticed me as a student. I then read a lot of books about the struggles of the heroes of Indonesia such as Prince Diponegoro, Imam Bonjol, Patimura, General Sudirman and many more. I didn't miss to read enthusiastically the story of heroic fighters Indonesian women who helped pick-up arms against the invaders. I was so fascinated with the fighting spirit of Cut Nyak Dhien and Martha Cristina Tiahahu.
Because of the lessons in school or as I often read books in Indonesia about popular resistance war struggle for independence, plus information relating to a new model of warfare, one day, I mused on my friends back home. I did not look there because of my own people through the middle to hide from parents who always demanded me to do many boring things at home. In place of my "hiding" , when I noticed a peaceful scene in front of me, the green paddy field where I and my friends played merry post-harvest looking for grasshoppers, laying-fly or played hide and seek, the high huge blues mountains towering in the distance, the highway which extended in front of where the small and large vehicles passing by quietly, suddenly I thought and questioned my self what if there was a war in this place, where was a safe place to run and hide? What about my friends? Was the green panorama in front of me would wallow in red blood and dead bodies? I shook my head myself and realized my own self. No, it would never happen something destructive and dangerous in the places where I was. But a voice in my head again sounded to frighten me, "Someday this country will face a war."
Another war discourse that interested me was the war in the way of God or which was called Fisabilillah. From what I knew, this war was much exemplified by the history of resistance against tyrany. War in which a group of people were threatened, tortured, destroyed by other groups as they fought for something that was believed to be the truth as belief in Allaah and His teachings. Prophet Muhammad and his companions like Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Khatab, Usman bin Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib Al-Ayyubid Solahuddin were examples of fighters that I admired in an effort to upholded the truth wisely until then they decided to do war.
The Cross War between Muslim and Christian in the history was, in my opinion the greatest war in the world that every time I read the stories about the war it confused my feelings and thoughts. This war lasted so long and had several episodes. At that time I thought even this war would last a lifetime, why, because the issue that caused the war was happening was related to differences in beliefs. It was horrible. However, I was no longer scared when I imagined the horrors of war against the occupiers after I knew the war determined as the Fisabilillah. One note for me to reduce my fear was if I was stuck in a time of war, I should be sure that Allah is the Good Godd, The Merciful, Supreme Protector, the Most Just and Most providers of the most perfect peace.
Nevertheles, events and news of war have neverbeen closed a day just from the book world. It always happens here or in another hemisphere there. Here in my territory, I more often see war; brawl between students, two community groups fistfight, bloodshed, violence, murder, torture, oppression, intimidation and various forms of chicanery sheathed norms which essentially intend to do demolition or won at least myself and the expense of others.
What is war?
"War is a pattern of behavior shown by many species of primates [1] including humans, and also found in many species of ants. [2] [3] [4] The main features of the behavior patterns of conflict is a particular country which is engaged in organized violence between two or more separate social entity. As the conflict is always a good effort to change the hierarchy of psychological or material dominance hierarchy or equality between two or more groups. In all cases, at least one participant (groups) in the conflict feel the need to either psychological or material dominates the other participants. Among humans, the perceived need for dominance often arise from the belief that both the ideology is not compatible, or very scarce resources, to threaten the basis of one group having a need to dominate other groups. Leaders will sometimes go into a war under the pretext that their actions are primarily defensive, but if you look at it objectively, their actions can be more closely resembles the form of unreasoning, unjustified or disproportionate aggression. "
Whatever the reason and the forms, war is always horrible. Visualization of war is very compelling and stinging feeling maybe we can see from war movies like Saving Private Ryan, The Pianist, Pearl Harbour and other movie samples and I believe that visualization of a battle far more ominous than that portrayed in the movies.
Why do some people still saw the war as a solution to achieve a personal desire or a group of people or a belief in scriptures that I believe absolutely confident there is no single holy book that justifies the oppression of fellow human beings and other creatures of God. Increasingly sophisticated civilization, even though moral values began to blur, but the pain was pinched or pricked with thorns are always the same from time to time. Are the behavior and words of peace which are committed on humanity sincerity already very, very difficult to do so they choose war?
July 7, 2010